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Diploma in UndersTAnding Organisations

Application form

To apply for the Diploma in UndersTAnding Organisations: A Relationship Centred Approach Using TA, please complete this form no later than 3rd January 2025.

2025  Diploma in UndersTAnding Organisations course dates
  • 16th/18th/19th January 2025

  • 13th/15th/16th February 2025

  • 6th/8th/9th March 2025

  • 3rd/5th/6th April 2025

  • 8th/10th/11th May 2025

  • 29th/31st May/1st June 2025

  • 26th/28th/29th June 2025

  • 17th/19th/20th July 2025

  • 14th/16th/17th August 2025

  • 11th/13th/14th September 2025

Thursday evening timings: 6.00pm – 8.00 pm (BST)

Saturday daytime timings: 9.00am – 5.00 pm (BST)

Sunday morning timings: 9.00am – 1.00 pm (BST)

  1. Personal details

  1. Referees

  1. Application criteria

Please indicate below which of the following criteria you meet which supports your application for this course:

I confirm that I have successfully completed:
Alternative route:
  • Completion of a TA101 course within the past 3 years,

  • Some previous exposure to TA,

  • Experience of learning in a group or other advanced professional training,

  • Undertaken the recommended reading (TA Today: A New Introduction to Transactional Analysis by Ian Stewart and Vann Joines and Transactional Analysis for Trainers by Julie Hay),

  • Prepared written responses to 12 questions to demonstrate knowledge, understanding of core TA theory and reflected on their written answers with a programme facilitator.

  1. Document upload

Please tick below to indicate documents uploaded

Please tick below to indicate documents uploaded
Max 15MB
Max 15MB
Max 15MB
  1. Application fee

I confirm that I have sent my application fee of £95 by BACS to Physis Scotland, Acc number: 16931057, Sort Code: 09-01-29 on the following date:

  1. Statement

I wish to join Year 1 of the Diploma in UndersTAnding Organisations: A Relationship Centred Approach Using TA training group for the academic year 2025.


I understand that completion of this form does not commit me to joining the Supervision training group and that my acceptance onto the Supervision programme is by the decision of Physis Scotland following the provision of satisfactory references.

Upon the offer of a place on the Diploma programme I will receive a Registration document, the completion of which is my commitment to the full year of training. In the event that I do not complete the year, all fees are due, and the fees paid (including the deposit) are non-refundable.

It is very useful for us to know how you heard about our training. Please could you indicate using the boxes and give any additional information below.

How did you hear about this course?
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